NCSAM 2024 - Secure Our World It's that time once again; it's NCSAM! No not National Campus Safety Awareness Month, that was last month, October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Once again, a primary focus of this public... Cybersecurity Malware NCSAM Oct 1, 2024
National Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2023! October has arrived, and it's time to celebrate National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM)! At Lighthouse IT Solutions, we are excited to participate once again in this important initiative to pro... Cybersecurity NCSAM Oct 4, 2023
Zero Trust and NCSAM 2022! A vital aspect of any organization's cybersecurity is to have a sound cybersecurity framework. A cybersecurity framework is a series of policies and procedures that can be read and followed to establi... Cybersecurity NCSAM Oct 27, 2022
Updates and NCSAM 2022! During NCSAM, we are focused on providing helpful information as to how you can stay cyber-safe. And one very elementary step in proper cybersecurity that many overlook is updating your software. Hack... Cybersecurity NCSAM Oct 20, 2022
Passwords, Passphrases, and NCSAM 2022! Another week of October is another week of National Cybersecurity Awareness week! This week, we wanted to discuss passwords! Passwords are the first line of defense in cybersecurity . They are a serie... Cybersecurity NCSAM Oct 13, 2022
Phishing, Spear-phishing, and NCSAM 2022 It's NCSAM! That means we want to get the word out about some of the most common methods hackers use to target people! And phishing is for sure a hacker's most effective tool. It is their primary meth... Cybersecurity NCSAM Oct 6, 2022
Multi-Factor Authentication and NCSAM 2022! Once again, we find ourselves in October, and for us, it's also known as National Cybersecurity Awareness Month! (NCSAM) It's a time when we all work together to help increase public awareness of cybe... Cybersecurity NCSAM Sep 29, 2022
Preparing and Recovering from a Cyber Attack While you can take many steps to mitigate the risks, there is, unfortunately, no practical way to ensure that you will never become the victim of a malware attack. Because of this, in addition to taki... Business Continuity Cybersecurity NCSAM Oct 28, 2021
The Dangers of BYOD or 'Bring Your Own Device' Bring your own device or BYOD is a business/IT practice where employees use their personal devices to access work systems and data. BYOD is a hotly contested concept in the IT-sphere due to the inhere... Business Continuity Cybersecurity Managed Services NCSAM Oct 21, 2021
Why Every Company Should Have a Better Cybersecurity Culture Cybersecurity is more than just antivirus software and firewalls. All the best cybersecurity technology you can buy is only there to assist the end-user with staying safe. However, if the end-user is ... Business Continuity Cybersecurity NCSAM Training Oct 14, 2021
Phishing Scams in 2021 We are now in week two of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. And this week has an important theme, "Fight the Phish!" We have talked about phishing before , and this won't be the last time we tal... Cybersecurity NCSAM Oct 7, 2021
Types of Cybersecurity Threats to Worry About October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month! We here at Lighthouse IT Solutions will once again be joining to raise awareness of digital threats and offer knowledge on how to protect yourself fr... Cybersecurity Malware NCSAM Sep 30, 2021