So Long 2017 & Thanks for all the Fish!

December 20, 2017 by
So Long 2017 & Thanks for all the Fish!
Lighthouse IT Solutions, Matthew Almendinger

It is absolutely incredible to me that soon we will bid farewell to yet another year, as it seems so very recently that we welcomed 2017. As we do, I always find it customary that I begin reflecting on the year. Its' highs. Its' lows. Its' lessons and its' regrets, but as I do, I always find myself coming to one very important conclusion: I am very lucky.

“Lucky because I get to live out my dream. Lucky because there are a multitude of those who support that dream -- and that most of those people I get to call clients, as well as friends. I'm lucky because behind me is a staff of people who care about my dream and vision. They trust it, even when it isn't clear. I'm lucky because this dream has lasted more than half a decade -- there are many who live out this kind of dream that can't say the same thing. I'm lucky because I am loved. Surrounded by friends, family and a Savior who remind me of my importance to this world. I'm lucky because I see that all of us are lucky in some way, too.”

So, as we get ready to say hello to 2018, we want to allow our staff the opportunity to relax and enjoy their time with family. An opportunity to remember that they, too, are lucky. For this reason, you will find our offices will be closed from December 25th through January 1st. We will be back in action on January 2nd -- excited to share yet another year with you. Of course, if you encounter an emergency during this time, we will be glad to help you get back on track.

Until then, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

- Matthew S. Almendinger