Navigate Training - Continuing Education for Staff

September 12, 2017 by
Navigate Training - Continuing Education for Staff
Lighthouse IT Solutions, Matthew Almendinger

Training is the best thing you could do on the job.

Why? Because everyone wins.

Continued education helps further your own education and the business gets to use want you have learned. This increases efficiency while allowing you employees some confidence at the workplace. Without even basic training to stay up-to-date, employees can loose valuable time to having to ask the IT guys (Like us!) for help.

β€œDoes it feel like you are not getting enough out of the programs your company pays boat-loads for? The U.S. Bureau of Labor statistics found that companies with fewer than 100 employees gave only 12 minutes of manager training every six months. Organizations with 100 – 500 employees provided only 6 minutes. Source: HR Professionals Magazine - Are You Worth More Than 6 - 12 Minutes of Training?”

Courses (such as the ones Navigate Training offers) help employees and employers alike by educating them over the programs they use every day. Have you ever wondered if you could do more in Excel or even Quickbooks? Well Quickbooks Training and Excel Training would give you a much better understanding of why these programs cost so much money. Quick books training is a popular request among small businesses because of the tool's strength if used correctly. They both have a wide variety of features that not everyone uses. For instance, did you know that most of the Microsoft Office Suite programs can take advantage of macros? These short, specific pieces of code allow the document user to perform automated tasks, such as accessing info from a database file. One of the most powerful tools in Excel, PivotTables, is often also misused. They can be used to move data around easily and perform a sort of rotation on the structure of your table at the same time, changing your view of the same data completely. In short, Microsoft Office training or just Office 365 training can have an enormous impact on the business.

β€œCurious about what the total loss to a business from ineffective training?It's staggering: $13.5m per year, per 1,000 employees. Source: Grovo - How to Increase Employee Engagement Using Microlearning (Slide 13) ”

Whether you navigate Excel, navigate Quickbooks or navigating whatever program. We can help.

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