Creating And Maintaining A Successful Network

October 19, 2017 by
Creating And Maintaining A Successful Network
Lighthouse IT Solutions, Matthew Almendinger

Consolidating your Network

Have you ever wondered just how your IT guy does it? Maintaining a successful network like that? Maybe you own a small business and are searching for a cheaper way to handle all your IT needs, without hiring a full-time tech guy. Consolidating your IT and managing your network should be at the top do your to-do list then... We have created an eBook outlining how you can manage your own network!

This is the sort of stuff an MSP would need to know to run your company's tech side. We walk you through which products help the most, how certain companies go about their own IT ways and even how we operate ourselves!

If you still feel you need to have the services a managed service provider would grant your business? This guide will give you all the info you need to start and manage your own IT department within a small business.

Remember that our Harmony plan can help with all of this and more.

Learn More Here

We have also created an Asset Inventory Template!

This template allows you and your company to track all of your company's tech related assets. It can also document any additional information about them like addresses, WAN or LAN info, vendors and even your software.

Being able to simply get a report of all your company assets will greatly improve management and strategy.

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