XZ Utils Update, TikTok Time's Up, Google's Cookies, & LinkedIn Games

May 17, 2024 by
XZ Utils Update, TikTok Time's Up, Google's Cookies, & LinkedIn Games
Lighthouse IT Solutions, Matthew Almendinger

LITS bits:

This week, Matt & Griff discuss time finally running out; after years of rumors and speculations, the president has signed a bill that ByteDance must either sell TikTok or have it removed from the US market. Additionally, Google's plan to phase out third-party cookies is crumbling as they extend their deadline to past 2024 following advertiser feedback. In more social media news, LinkedIn has introduced several new games onto its platform, hoping to promote teamwork and foster connections and collaboration. For the last major news story of this week's podcast, if you recall, a few weeks back, there was almost a cybersecurity catastrophe with an exploitable backdoor being snuck into the very commonly used XZ Utils library. Thankfully, it was found before going live, and now, after some investigations, we know many of the events that led to it being introduced in the first place.

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