MyBook Live data wiped, Pros-Cons of NewsGuard, & 'last' OS Windows 11

July 2, 2021 by
MyBook Live data wiped, Pros-Cons of NewsGuard, & 'last' OS Windows 11
Lighthouse IT Solutions, Matthew Almendinger

The Lighthouse IT Podcast - July 2nd, 2021

Matt and Griff go through exciting stuff this week, like how MyBook Live Owners wake up to find their NAS Devices Wiped Clean, the pros and cons of a tool like NewsGuard, and Windows 10 is apparently not the last Windows OS. Windows 11 may be though.

Listen here!


MyBook Live Owners wake up to find their NAS Devices Wiped Clean

A little over a week ago, users woke up to find their NAS boxes completely empty. Apparently, a script was run that triggered a factory reset of the devices.

Fast forward a few days and we receive a bit more info. What appeared to be a bug, may actually be an attack!

Initially, the script that was processed required user credentials to execute the system restore process, but interestingly, a developer (whether for testing or laziness) commented that part out.

Attackers using a posted vulnerability to the NAS devices were able to trigger the script with a fair bit of ease. The posted vulnerability was left unpatched because it was discovered 3 years after the devices were considered End of Support.

WD is recommending unplugging the device or disconnecting it from the internet and appears to be offering upgrade credits to the latest WD My Cloud device.

The Start

The juicy bit

NewsGuard - The Pros and Cons

"A way to protect brands by keeping ads off unreliable news websites"

  • What constitutes as unreliable?
  • Would a new news site be marked as unreliable?

Nearly half of all ads on fake news sites come from Google, study finds.

Check My Ads cofounder stated: "At the end of the day, if you're not checking your ads regularly, and if you don't get clear, up-to-date dashboard-level information about what is getting blocked and why, you're not in control."


Windows 11 - I guess Windows 10 wasn't the last Windows OS

From Microsoft's website, "Windows 11 has all the power and security of Windows 10 with a redesigned and refreshed look. It also comes with new tools, sounds, and apps."

Features include:

  • Android apps
  • Widgets
  • Microsoft Teams built into the OS
  • Easily create virtual desktops
  • Snap layouts/groups
  • New sounds and UI overhaul
  • We can only hope they keep Control Panel
  • Removing support for 32bit
  • Trusted Platform Module

Release date is the 2021 holiday season, so who knows how many people will actually be able to make the change.

You can check your compatibility here.