Top 5 Cybersecurity Myths

September 23, 2021 by
Top 5 Cybersecurity Myths
Lighthouse IT Solutions, Matthew Almendinger

Cybersecurity is a vital aspect of any organization that has sensitive information stored in a digital format. However, while we often discuss the necessity and details of cyber-security, several myths continue to surround it. In our ongoing effort to ensure people have reliable information they can use to protect their data, we will review and correct some of the more dangerous myths that can leave vulnerabilities in your cybersecurity.

1. Our security is handled by someone else, so we do not need to worry about it

Plenty of businesses employ a third party to handle the technical aspect of their digital security, but that does not mean that you do not have a responsibility to practice proper cyber-security. That statement also applies to organizations that leave their cyber-security to an in-house IT department. Cyber-security does not fall solely on whoever is setting up your security software. Everyone has a part to play in cyber-security due as explained in myth number two.

2. All it takes to be cyber-secure is sufficiently advanced security software

While security software is undoubtedly a vital part of cyber-security, an equally important aspect is a cyber-security culture within your organization. All it takes is one person to accidentally download a malicious file or give away a password to compromise your entire network. So everyone in your organization must understand how to recognize and avoid potential cyber-attacks.

3. We do not have data worth stealing, so we will not be the victim of a cyber-attack

If you believe this one, you would likely be surprised by how valuable hackers consider your data. Additionally, a hacker would need to perform a successful cyber-attack against your organization to get a full view of all the data you have before they could assign value to it. Finally, even if your data is not valuable enough to steal, the continued proliferation of ransomware proves it can be just as if not more profitable to prevent you from accessing it.

4. Our monitoring software will let us know when our network becomes compromised so we can deal with it quickly

While monitoring software certainly can help detect malware quickly and save you from a lot of hassle, it is not perfect. Hackers are constantly working to make their malware harder to detect, and many will sit silently undetected as they slowly take over an entire network before they activate. Remember, this does not mean you should not use monitoring software, only that you should keep in mind that it is not perfect.

5. If our passwords are strong, so our network is secure

This myth is a similar situation to the previous one. Yes, your passwords should be strong, and that does help keep your network secure, but they are not perfect. Phishing attacks can lead to people unwittingly giving away their passwords. In addition to strong passwords, you should employ multi-factor authentication to increase your network's security drastically.

Myths and misinformation like this pose a real threat to cyber-security. They can lead to people unknowingly leaving themselves exposed to cyber-attacks when they otherwise would not have. To prevent these sorts of vulnerabilities and reduce the damages caused by malware, accurate information must be shared about how to keep yourself and others protected.

We highly recommend you get our Cybersecurity Essentials for Business Owners to understand the state of cybersecurity in today's climate.

Read It Here

Remember: Do Your Part. #BeCyberSmart.