Ransomware Pretending to be Windows Update It's good cybersecurity practice to keep your devices up-to-date, so when you see a new update made available, you should download it right away. But what if you install what you think is a legitimate... Cybersecurity Malware News Nov 29, 2023
Cloud Misconfigurations Misconfiguration of cloud solutions is a potential vulnerability that is often overlooked when companies plan cybersecurity strategies. Cloud apps are designed to be quick and easy to sign up for, whi... Cybersecurity Nov 15, 2023
Access Management Cybersecurity is vital for businesses and individuals alike. Cyber threats abound, and data breaches and malware attacks are costly. Attacks come from all sectors, including the cloud tools people use... Cybersecurity Nov 8, 2023
Spotting Fake LinkedIn Sales Bots LinkedIn has become a valuable platform for professionals to connect, network, and explore business opportunities. But in parallel with its growing popularity, there has been an increase in the presen... Cybersecurity Malware Nov 1, 2023
National Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2023! October has arrived, and it's time to celebrate National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM)! At Lighthouse IT Solutions, we are excited to participate once again in this important initiative to pro... Cybersecurity NCSAM Oct 4, 2023
Common Tech Myths Technology plays a significant role in our lives, and just about everyone these days is at least a little bit tech-savvy. Unfortunately, despite that, several old tech myths continue to persist. Tech ... Cybersecurity Tech Tips Sep 27, 2023
Remote Worker Cybersecurity Risks Most people have pushed COVID out of their minds and returned to doing things the way they were done before the pandemic. However, remote work has remained quite popular for many individuals and organ... Cybersecurity Remote Working Sep 13, 2023
Tips for Effective Cybersecurity Audits Strong or even adequate cybersecurity requires more than just the latest antivirus software to keep your company's network secure. Cybercrime is one of the biggest threats of modern times. If you don'... Cybersecurity Sep 6, 2023
Online Banking Cybersecurity Approximately 73% of people worldwide use some form of online banking at least once a month . As advantageous as it is to have access to your account whenever and wherever that convenience can come at... Cybersecurity Aug 30, 2023
Zero-Click Malware We've said it many times, and we will continue to say it as long as it's true, cybersecurity threats are continually evolving. One new type of threat gaining prominence is zero-click malware. This ins... Cybersecurity Malware Aug 23, 2023
Protection Against Business Email Compromise A consequence of the digital age is that email has become an essential part of our daily lives. Many people use it for various purposes; however, one of the most popular uses is for business transacti... Business Continuity Cybersecurity Aug 16, 2023
Conditional Access For about as long as passwords have been around, they've been a source of security concern (which is ironic since they were created to improve security). Eighty-one percent of security incidents happe... Cybersecurity Aug 9, 2023